SAYMON Alarms Plus


This is the alternate UI to work with alarms generated by SAYMON.


Ssh to your SAYMON instance and navigate to the extensions folder. By default it is:

cd /opt/saymon-extensions/

Download demo version package:


Unpack it with a command:

sudo tar -xvf cas-incidents.tar.gz

Set permissions for the files and folders:

sudo chown root:root -R cas-incidents
sudo chmod +r -R cas-incidents

Copy configuration file from example:

sudo cp cas-incidents/config.js.example cas-incidents/config.js

Add WebSocket address of your SAYMON instance to the configuration file like this:

sudo nano cas-incidents/config.js

var config = { 
	title: "Alarms Plus",
	ws_server: "https://your.saymon.server:8091"

Check installation by navigating your browser to the extensions’ list:


or to the SAYMON Alarms Plus directly:



To uninstall extension ssh to your SAYMON instance and navigate to the extensions folder. By default it is:

cd /opt/saymon-extensions/

Remove extension’s files and folders:

rm -rf cas-incidents

Check extensions’ list by navigating your browser to:


Release notes

2024/07/02 – v.7.0 – UI and API tweaks

Note: this release requires SAYMON Server v.3.14.89 or newer.

  • Added colored badges for alarms’ severity levels in the filters panel on the left.
  • Added application release date to the About window.
  • Prettified operation execution result.
  • Show last event if events history is not enabled on the server.
  • Improved performance and speed of Show on graph and Show in tree options.
  • Fixed text coding in alarm export.

2024/05/06 – v.6.1 – New Favicon and Better Nested JSON

  • New favicon.
  • Improved visualization of nested JSON strings in Events tab.
  • Support of the recently released SAYMON Server v.3.15.90.

2024/04/26 – v.6.0 – Events History

  • Added Events tab to view events history.
  • Added new options to the alarm context menu.
  • Added Show In Tree option next to object name in the alarm details.
  • Added minimum supported server version to the About window.
  • Moved user login to the dropdown menu.
  • Fixed PWA (Progressive Web App) name.
  • Fixed Object tab scrolling.

2024/04/16 – v.5.0 – Column Quick Filters

  • Added quick filters to columns headers.
  • Added UI and server versions to the About window.
  • Fixed issues with columns self-reordering.

2024/02/02 – v.4.0 – Alarms History

  • Added History tab to view alarms history.
  • Added Object tab to view object properties.
  • Context menu of objects in the Objects Tree changed to ‘one click action’ – click any object in the Objects Tree to:
    • filter alarms and history ‘by parent object’ (click Objects in the Objects Tree to undo);
    • get object properties in Object tab.
  • Filter ‘by parent object’ applies to all tabs: Incidents, History and Objects.
  • Filter ‘by parent object’ and current tab are added to url – now it is possible to share link or add it to the browser bookmarks.
  • Added cloud icon to show server connection status.
  • Display object status in the Objects Tree.
  • Added popup to set object state when close alarm manually.

2023/09/20 – v.3.0 – Objects Tree and Objects Graph

  • Added Objects Tree to the filters panel on the left.
  • Added Show On Graph option for alarms (available in the context menu of the alarm and in Alarm Details tab).
  • Reveal the object in the Objects Tree by clicking it in a Graph.
  • Filter alarms ‘by parent object‘ with the context menu of any object in the Objects Tree.
  • Get any object details with the context menu in the Objects Tree.
  • Added sound notification for new alarms (can be disabled in your browser settings).
  • Possibility to add several comments for the alarm.
  • Page refreshing is fixed finally.

2023/03/31 – v.2.0 – Profiles

  • Added custom user profiles to switch filters and table representation with a single click.
  • Added “Delete all profiles and reset settings” option to the settings menu.
  • Object name in the alarm details is clickable and opens SAYMON Singe Node view in a separate browser tab to get more info about object’s history and metrics.
  • Severity filter now uses “name” instead of “id”.
  • Predefined severity filters in the left pane show custom severity levels defined on your SAYMON instance.

2023/02/17 – v.1.0 – Alarm List

  • Initial release with alarm list.