Alarms Plus v.9.0

In this release:

  • Delete operations from the Alarm Details tab to give more space for alarm and object info.
  • Added PLAY icon in object info to display Operations popup window.
  • Added clickability for URLs in object properties.
  • Added more and less logic operators for RCA fields to filter alarms by probability.
  • Fixed displaying of object last state change time.

Alarms Plus v.8.0

In this release:

  • added RCA module columns to the alarms list;
  • added RCA module fields to the alarm details;
  • fixed hiding of a single alarm in a list under the Alarm Details tab.

Alarms Plus v.7.0

In this release:

  • added colored badges for alarms’ severity levels in the filters panel on the left
  • added application release date to the About window
  • prettified operation execution result
  • show last event if events history is not enabled on the server
  • improved performance and speed of Show on graph and Show in tree options
  • fixed text coding in alarm export

SAYMON v.3.15.90

In this release:

UI improvements:

  • you can now hide columns of the event log with the hideColumns request parameter;
  • embedded graph widget was updated. The following functionality was added:
    • search bar in the metrics selector;
    • data table for the selected graph;
    • export to CSV button;
    • exported PDF file now has all currently displayed table data.
  • added new object controls to the main toolbar:
    • “Add here” function;
    • “Move here” function.
  • “Period” field in the Monitoring section now displays the default value;
  • you can now sort table view by time and duration;
  • “Active to” field is hidden for Keycloak and LDAP users;
  • states in tables are now sorted by their priority.

Server improvements:

Bug fixes:

  • fixed an issue that led to an incorrect data being saved in an object after adding a graph;
  • fixed an issue that prevented the “duration” condition from working when analyzing multiple metrics.

SAYMON v.3.14.89

In this release:

UI improvements:

  • users can now add non-HTTP links (for example, smb:// `or `mailto://) as documents.
  • added simplified object access interface;
  • values in the graphs popup are now sorted in the descending order;
  • Event log page was adapted to use in the iframe widget; added new filters;
  • operations interface can now prompt user for operation arguments;
  • you can now attach DOC/DOCX, XLS/XLSX, and ZIP documents to objects.
  • the CSV file with the exported “Data” section now has a data acquisition timestamp, name and identifier of an object that collected data;
  • Jira trigger is now hidden in the list by default, can be re-enabled in the Web application configuration;

Server improvements:


Issues fixed:

SAYMON v.3.13.87

In this release:

UI improvements:

  • added buttons to show numbers “as-is” and leading zeros to the “Counter” widget;
  • added “Timeout” parameter to custom probes;
  • added the comment chain for active alarms;
  • changed design of the “Yes/No” switch;
  • added the ability to enable or disable metrics on multigraphs.
  • you can now export standard view of objects as PDF;
  • added the stat history table;
  • added the automatic update of the name and properties of Host objects generated with the autodiscovery mechanism.
  • standardized the behavior of edited fields. Every field that used to automatically apply changes, now requires a press of a “Save” or “Apply” button.
  • user’s Activity log moved to a separate tab;
  • when you apply state change conditions to a class, the list of objects whose state change conditions will not be overridden is now displayed in the popup.
  • users can now set Display name in user configuration.

Server improvements:

  • improved user passwords encryption – now passwords are encrypted with the bcrypt password-hashing function;
  • improved the performance of selecting the incident from history by its parent object;


SAYMON v.3.12.86

In this release:


Web interface improvements:

Server improvements:

Server configuration options:

SAYMON v.3.11.85

In this release:

Users and accounts:


Web interface improvements:

Server improvements:

Web interface configuration options:

Server configuration options:

New agent features:

Other improvements:

  • Socket.IO updated to v.4.5.0.